With the continuing efforts of the MONOSTAR team and our collaborators, the network of European sites that have already been sampled for the project has become more and more dense over the past months.

Until now, wood, needle, and soil samples from 16 sites in 11 different European countries have been collected, covering an area that stretches from the inhospitable Highlands of Northern Scotland to the (mostly) sunny slopes of the Cazorla mountains in Andalucia and from the boreal forests of Northern Sweden to the ancient pines of Mt. Smolikas in Greece.

Steep slopes, deep snow and torrential rain could not prevent us from sampling trees of 7 conifer species of the Picea, Pinus and Larix genera. A large portion of the material is already being processed and measured in our lab in Mainz and our collaborators’ facilities at TU Dresden. While we are trying to obtain and apply these results as quickly as possible more trips are already on the schedule to fill remaining gaps, especially in Southeastern Europe.
All this said, however, we are incredibly grateful for all the help of our affiliates and local supporters without whom many things would not have been and will not be possible.